O-Train Extension overview

Updated on July 23, 2024

Welcome to the O-Train Extension. We’re upgrading transit in Ottawa. This project extends the O-Train farther south, east, and west.

Explore this page to learn about the project, its milestones, and the benefits to our growing city.

The O-Train Extension will foster connectivity, sustainability, and economic growth. Let's transform Ottawa's transit together.


The O-Train Extension is underway. We’re enhancing transit across Ottawa by: 

  • Extending Line 2 South to Limebank and Airport Stations
  • Stretching Line 1 East through Orléans to Trim Station
  • Expanding Line 1 West to Algonquin Station
  • Adding the new Line 3 to Moodie Station

We’re introducing cutting-edge Stadler FLIRT trains and new and upgraded stations. With reliable connections, it’ll be easier to explore more of your city.

Map of the new network

Step 1

O‑Train South extension

2 4

In the first phase of the project, we’re expanding O-Train Line 2 to Limebank through Carleton and South Keys. We’re also adding the new Line 4 link to the Ottawa International Airport. This step offers convenient connections, brand new stations, a direct airport link, and reliable service to the south.

Step 2

O‑Train East extension


During the second phase, we’re extending O-Train Line 1 towards the east through Orléans to Trim Station. It will be easier to commute downtown and to explore east-end destinations. 

Step 3

O‑Train West extension

1 3

In this phase, we’re extending Line 1 west to Algonquin Station and adding a new Line 3 that connects to Moodie Station.

  • Icon representing important note
      These timelines are subject to construction schedules, which can sometimes change. They also depend on rigorous safety, training and reliability testing done over an extended period of running time. As construction on each extension finishes and we begin final testing, we will keep you informed about opening dates.
New stations
Kilometres of new rail
New Lines
24 K

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Line identities

1 2 3 4

We carefully designed the identity of rail lines to simplify wayfinding and enhance recognition. This helps customers develop navigation muscle memory. The future O-Train network ensures a seamless and intuitive experience by:

  • Clearly distinguishing the lines using different colours
  • Creating meaningful, memorable, and practical station names
  • Providing consistent and coherent signage

Line colours

Colour plays a crucial role in our design. We use bold, eye-catching colours. The colours reflect the energy and vibrancy of our growing city. These colours are used consistently in maps, signage, and schedules. 

Intuitive wayfinding is key to seamless navigation. For this reason, we’ve defined distinctive colours for each O-Train line. 

This visually striking approach helps riders get familiar with their regular routes. It also lets them identify their desired lines quickly and easily. 

Quick facts

  • Lines 1 and 2 will keep their existing colours
  • Lines 3 and 4 will have brand new colours
  • The colours of the bus services will remain the same for consistency

The identity of new O‑Train lines is distinctive, accessible, and user-friendly.

Line 1 colour representation

Line 1

Hex: #D30F1D

Pantone: 1797 C

Contrast: 5.45 AA

Line 2 colour representation

Line 2

Hex: #508028

Pantone: 368 C

Contrast: 4.71 AA

Line 4 colour representation

Line 4

Hex: #0980A5

Pantone: 299 C

Contrast: 4.52 AA

Line 3 colour representation

Line 3

Hex: #8F7200

Pantone: 118 C

Contrast: 4.59 AA

Key factors

  • Unique line colours for easy differentiation. We’ve added numbered icons for more clarity.
  • Accessibility:
    • High contrast and colour-blind friendly
    • Line identities chosen with extensive stakeholder input, including the CNIB
  • Colours are adaptable across all formats they’re displayed including:
    • Digital screens
    • Maps
    • Printed signs
    • Station signs
    • Low-light
    • Backlit signs
  • Alignment with service design (how lines would be shown in context):
    • Lines 1 & 3 mostly run parallel
    • Line 4 connecting to the airport is linked with Line 2
  • Numbers and colours that are easy to identify and remember

Our approach

We considered accessibility, distinctiveness, and visibility. Unique brands for each line helps you spot your lines more easily. Bold colours remain visible under various lighting conditions. 

The result is a user-friendly and visually appealing wayfinding system. It will allow riders to explore Ottawa with ease. 

View the system map
Graphic showing a table of service type, description, and symbol and colour

Station names

Choosing the right station names is crucial to help riders navigate to their destinations. We selected the names for new O-Train stations in consultation with: 

  • Ward Councillors
  • Members of the public
  • A working group led by the Transit Commission Chair

While selecting these names, we ensured they were:

  • Geographically meaningful
  • Easy to understand in both English and French
  • Easy to pronounce and write
  • Unique and distinct from other stations and city locations
  • Consistent with Transitway station names

New naming examples

These examples demonstrate our approach to naming the new stations: 

Carling Station becomes Dow’s Lake Station

Renamed to highlight nearby Dow's Lake and the surrounding neighbourhood.

Dow's Lake Station
Dow's lake Station
Dominion Station becomes Kichi Zìbì Station
  • Aligned with nearby Kitchissippi Lookout
  • Named after adjacent Ottawa River
  • Uses an Algonquin spelling for added cultural relevance

Kichi Zìbì Station
Kichi Zibi Station external view
Existing O‑Train stations
New Stations East & West
New stations South

Station signage

Station entrance signs

O‑Train Extension station entrance signs will feature distinct colours and numbers for improved visibility.

  • Lincoln Fields Station, serving Lines 1 & features a red circle with a white "1" and a gold circle with a white "3"
  • Bayshore Station, served by Line 3, displays a gold circle with a white "3"
  • South Keys Station, on Lines 2 & 4, reveals a green circle with a white "2" and a blue circle with a white "4"

The signs were designed for effortless recognition. They feature clear, highly visible, and easily identifiable markers.

Lincoln Fileds, Byashore, and South Keys Station entrance signage

Direction‑of‑travel line maps

You’ll find these easy-to-use maps as you arrive at the train platform. These signs tell you where you are along the O‑Train line. They let you know whether you’re heading the right way by showing all upcoming stations in your travel direction.

Here's a preview of what you can expect:

If you’re heading south on Line 2 at Carleton Station, you’ll see the map just before you enter the platform. Line 2 is shown as a white number 2 inside a green circle, and a green line on the map.

To help you navigate easily, this map provides valuable information, such as: 

  • The train’s direction of travel
  • The next station
  • Transfer points
Direction of travel line map line 2 – Carleton to Limebank

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System design

We’re building 24 new stations along the entire extended O-Train network. These stations will connect neighbourhoods and improve access for many residents.

Our ambitious green approach focuses on:

  • Low carbon-impact construction
  • Energy efficiency
  • Long-lasting and adaptable buildings
Sustainable mobility

Enhanced connectivity for a vibrant community

The O‑Train Extension project goes beyond new stations and tracks. We're rejuvenating public spaces and building new pathways. These facilities seamlessly fit into the surrounding community to enhance the quality of life for locals.

Promoting active transportation

We’re investing roughly $20 million in multi-use pathways (MUPs), cycle-tracks, and pedestrian bridges. These will enrich our City's vast pedestrian and cyclist network. This investment improves access across our network.

Pedestrians bridge by Carleton University

O‑Train South extension

2 4
  • A 13.6-km multi-use pathway linking South Keys and Bowesville stations
  • A 60-metre pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Rideau River at Carleton University
  • An 80-metre pedestrian and cycling bridge above Hunt Club Road, linked to existing multi-use pathways
  • A 60-metre connection to Bayview Station from the future Trinity development on Albert Street
  • A wildlife corridor where High Road crosses the railway. This connects natural areas separated by road and tracks.

O‑Train East extension

  • A new pedestrian bridge over Green’s Creek linking to the Greenbelt pathways along the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway
  • Multi-use pathways leading toward the Jeanne d’Arc Bridge from both the north (Fortune Drive) and south (eastbound on-ramp)
  • Multi-use pathways, sidewalks, and cycle tracks to improve access and safety for pedestrians and cyclists around stations
  • Reconfiguration of roads and bridges (such as the Jeanne d'Arc Bridge) to enhance safety in station areas
  • A 2.7-km multi-use pathway between Blair and Montréal stations, offering a key active transportation link between Ottawa's eastern communities and downtown

O‑Train West extension

1 3
  • Highway 417 overpass linking new Queensview Station to Baxter Road for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Two new pedestrian underpasses under the Kichi Zībī Mīkan Parkway
  • Pedestrian and cycling enhancements to the Moodie/417 Overpass
  • New walking paths from Richmond Road to Bayshore Mall
  • Enhanced active mobility features through a revitalized Byron Linear Park

Stations designed for your comfort

Lincoln Fields Station external view

The O-Train Extension will build on our transit system’s unique identity. The new stations boast eye-catching and practical designs. These will make them a central and lasting part of our city’s landscape.

We design our stations to provide:

  • Optimal safety
  • Comfort, with heaters to maintain temperature
  • Simple wayfinding

A distinctive architecture blends every station into its surroundings. We’re committed to sustainability and eco-friendly design principles. This includes:

  • Using durable flooring and materials
  • Maximizing natural light
  • Optimizing space and material use
  • Conserving energy
Pinecrest Station
Bayshore Station design

Vibrant, contemporary designs

The stations architecture features abundant use of wood, and glass. This allows natural light to fill the spaces and enhances station security. It also makes it easy for customers to move through the station and provides common areas for riders and nearby residents to enjoy.

The stations will transform into lively community hubs complete with:

  • Customer information and services
  • Captivating public art
  • Accessible public spaces

These stations will blend seamlessly into the surrounding city. You’ll enjoy a diverse range of amenities that cater to the needs of our customers.

Brand New Stations
Renovated Stations
Relocated Transitway

Station design features: examples and highlights

Bayview Station

  • Two tracks and platforms to provide more flexibility for operations
  • Access to both platforms through a partially enclosed walkway to keep you protected from the elements
  • Multi-line station with Line 1 platforms on the upper level and Line 2 platforms below
Render of Bayview station

Airport Station

  • The station platform will be on the same level as the airport Departures level, making transfers quick and simple
  • The entrance and lounge will be an extension of the airport terminal building for easy access by travellers
  • Ticket machines with video-chat and transit information screens with real-time information make it easy to use the O-Train
Render of Airport station

Integrated and inclusive design

Render of Queensway station

The O-Train Extension stations prioritize accessibility and ease of use. Features include:

  • Barrier-free paths to station entrances for easy access
  • Wider accessible fare gates with tactile wayfinding tiles
  • Transecure waiting areas on platforms with accessible benches and tactile/Braille signs
  • Tactile warning strips and inter-car barriers to keep everyone safely away from the platform edge
  • Wayfinding and safety signage following accessibility standards, including:
    • Type size
    • Tactile signage
    • Appropriate colour contrast
    • Plain language
    • Universal icons
  • Clear, open sight lines for simple and intuitive wayfinding
  • Bicycle parking with room for growth at all stations, with 80% of provided spaces covered

These design features create a safe and accessible experience and make public transit a convenient transportation option.


Revamping public spaces for greener commutes

We are improving station access for nature-friendlier forms of transportation, like walking and cycling. Most stations will also have direct bus connections. This will make it easier to access the O‑Train from farther away.

The system design encourages residents to walk, wheel, bike, or bus to the O-Train. In the new network, 77% of Ottawa's residents will live within 5 km of a station. This could be a 10-minute bus ride, a 20-minute bike ride, or an even shorter trip if you live closer.

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