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Introducing the new O‑Train Extension website

Image - Introducing the new <em>O‑Train Extension website</em>

Alt text: O-Train Extension Your Brand new Website/ Explore the future of Ottawa's O-Train system now/ Check it out

As construction of the O-Train South, East, and West extensions progresses, we're excited to introduce a user-friendly virtual platform where you can explore, discover, and learn about the future of Ottawa's O-Train system.

Welcome to the O-Train X Website!

Our dedicated website provides information and details about your future expanded network. Let's take a closer look at what this new website offers. 

Check out the O-Train X Website 

Your complete guide to the O-Train's evolution 

This website is your one-stop shop for information about the future O-Train network, Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4. Whether you're new to the system or a regular rider, you'll find the information you need and more. 

What awaits you?

Here’s a preview of what you’ll find on this new website: 

  • Get a step-by-step overview of the project, from construction to launch 
  • Explore our station pages to uncover design details, amenities and what makes each station unique 
  • Learn about how your trip will change with new FLIRT trains, transfers between train lines, and the launch transition for Lines 2 and 4  
  • Discover the benefits of the project, such as enhanced connectivity, higher-capacity trains, and economic growth
  • Learn about key destinations, wayfinding elements, and accessibility features throughout the extensions

You can also use the website to stay informed about construction news and get updates on impacts in your neighbourhood at will now be available on our new website.  

Accessibility matters

Accessibility is at the core of our mission at OC Transpo, and this extends to our information online. The O-Train X website fully complies with WCAG 2.1 AA standards and adheres to the highest web accessibility best practices for an inclusive and user-friendly experience. We use clear language and visuals to simplify your experience. 

Web accessibility page

We're committed to making this platform better for you. As the O-Train network grows and new lines open, we promise to keep things fresh and informative. You'll always find the latest updates, cool new features, and helpful insights on the O-Train X website.  

Explore the future of Ottawa's O-Train system now!