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Bus & O-Train network

The OC Transpo rail and bus network covers a total service area of 480 km2. All-day service is provided to all of Ottawa’s urban and suburban communities. Peak-period service extends to:

  • Richmond and Munster Hamlet in the west
  • Cumberland, Vars, Navan and Sarsfield in the east
  • Manotick in the south

Several OC Transpo bus routes travel to the Hull sector in downtown Gatineau, Quebec.

Rapid bus routes and the O-Train provide quick-station-to-station service:

  • Dedicated transit corridors
  • 47 transit stations, including the new Line 1 stations launched in September 2019.

26 Park & Ride lots:

  • 17 with full-time transit service
  • Free parking at all lots except Jeanne d’Arc, Blair (Telesat) and Ray Friel lots
  • Lots across the city
  • Peak-period bus service at 9 lots outside the urban/suburban area

Network map

OC Transpo network map. Use the Travel Planner for an accessible version of map information

Download network map PDFDownload OC Transpo network map PDF

Complete Network Map information is available in an accessible format in the Travel Planner (opens in new tab).

Service types

O-Train - Rapid - Frequent - Local - Connexion

Learn More about Service types