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Q2 2023 Lookahead - Airport Spur

As part of the O-Train South Extension Project, construction progress on the Airport Spur continues through the spring. The following information is intended to provide a look-ahead of scheduled activities and anticipated impacts until the end of June 2023.


Crews continue to make progress on the alignment:

Uplands Station – Station will be nearing testing and commissioning phase, with a focus on shelter installation and Park & Ride construction.
Uplands Rail Bridge – Finishing works will be completed in Q2.
Airport Elevated Guideway – Finishing works will be completed in Q2.
Airport Station – Station will be fully commissioned and occupancy will be achieved in Q2 which means the station will function as designed in system testing.


Work will continue to take place Monday to Friday during daytime hours, weather permitting. Overnight work will occur in areas with approved permits. All instances of overnight work will be communicated prior to the work commencing.


Please see map below for noted work locations on the Airport Spur, located between South Keys Station and Airport Station.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the O-Train Extension project. All pedestrian, cycling, bus, and vehicular movements will generally be maintained during construction, with some detours. The O-Train Extension team makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact The safety of the public and the workers is paramount, and we thank you for your patience during construction.

Work will be ongoing in these areas. Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the O-Train Extension project e-newsletter. To receive electronic updates, Public Notices, and Lookaheads, please sign up at and select the stations you wish to subscribe to.

If you have questions about this work, please contact the City’s representative:

Michael Brossoit Stakeholder Relations, Rail Construction Program City of Ottawa Email: Website: