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Walkley Station door sign

Walkley Station image

Line Green circle containing a white 2


Walkley Station is situated on the south-side of Walkley Road, west of Bank Street, and just to the east of the Walkley Transitway bus station. Additional bus stops serving this station can be found outside the street-level main entrance. The train platform is located below on level 2.

A multi-use pathway (MUP) adjacent to the station extends south and then east to the commercial area on Bank Street. The Sawmill Creek multi-use pathway (MUP) which connects to the greater pathway network can be reached via the Walkley Transitway bus station.

360-Degree tour

  • Easy navigation: Simply use your mouse and click to explore the station. Click the icons in the bottom left to try different viewing methods.
  • Discover station features: Click on the red and white ‘O’ icons scattered around the station for detailed information about its features.
  • Station status: Note that this tour was recorded during station construction, and is intended as an early sneak peak. Things like missing signage, construction fencing, or covered fare gates won't be present when the station is open.
  • Loading time: After pressing 'Play', please wait momentarily for the tour to load completely for an uninterrupted experience.

Station map

Station Layout

Area map for Walkley

Features & amenities

Ticket machine icon
Fares made easy

  • Ticket machines with video chat help
  • Fare gates at the station entrance
  • Fare-paid zone for more convenient connections

Transit infoormatin icon
Navigation and wayfinding

  • Clear signage and wayfinding
  • Illuminated “O” pylon and lantern box
  • Digital departure screens giving estimated train and bus trip times
  • Service maps
  • Free OC information phones for trip planning help and answers to all your questions
  • Map of nearby destinations (within walking distance)

Accessibility icon

  • Dual elevators
  • Audible and visual announcements
  • Tactile wayfinding tiles & platform edge indicator strips
  • Braille/tactile signage

Cycling icon
Cyclist amenities

  • 40 space bicycle parking shelter
  • Connection to multi-use pathway

Transecure icons
Safety and security

  • Transecure waiting area
  • Emergency phones
  • Platform edge indicator strips
  • Platform Inter track barriers
  • Video camera monitoring

WC icon
Comfort and convenience

  • Heated waiting areas
  • Public art

Stops and service

Route Direction Stop
B2 Bayview A
B2 South Keys B
44 Hurdman B, F
44 Billings Bridge A, E
90 Hurdman A, E
90 Greenboro F
92 Hurdman C, E
92 Greenboro D, F
93 Greenboro A, F
93 Blossom Park / Leitrim E
96 Hurdman / Greenboro A, F
96 Merivale B
97 Hurdman & N Rideau A
97 Airport B
98 Hurdman A
98 Hawthorne B
99 Greenboro / Hurdman A
99 Barrhaven Centre / CitiGate B
199 Hurdman A
199 Leikin B
290 Hurdman D
291 Herongate F
291 Hurdman A, E
294 Hurdman A
294 Findlay Creek B
299 Hurdman A
299 Manotick B
304 Billings Bridge B
304 Osgoode A
452 Lansdowne B
698 St. Patrick H.S. F
698 Blohm E

What's nearby

Places of interest within 5 km

  • Sue Holloway Fitness Park
  • Riverside Park South
  • Otterson Park
  • Linton Park

Also close-by

  • Walkley Centre
  • Preston Park and recreation
  • Riverside Park & Ridgemont
  • Mooney's Bay